Upper Hurstville | Residents Association and Security District
Security District Board of Commissioners and Residents Association which work to maintain security and quality of life on the squares bounded by Magazine St., Exposition Blvd., Prytania St. & Nashville Ave. The Security district budget is funded by parcel fees on non exempt parcels, and the Resident's Association is funded by membership dues. Both boards are made up of property owners in the district who volunteer to serve.
Upper Hurstville Security District and Residents Association
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Neighborhood Updates

Garbage Collection Notice

Beginning in April 2024, garbage collection and curbside recycling in Upper Hurstville will be handled by IV Waste.

Household garbage collection and curbside recycling pickup will be on Wednesdays.

Important Information

UHSD private patrol service provider

The UHSD board contracted with Security Engineers Incorporated (SEI) as the private patrol security service beginning June 1st, 2022.  The patrol phone number remains unchanged: 504-451-1614.  In addition to the private patrol, off-duty NOPD officers will continue to patrol during the overnight hours.  Note that UHSD shares all patrols with the Audubon Area Security District (AASD) across Prytania Street to St. Charles Avenue.
Read letter from UHSD President, Pat Talley.

UH Residential & Business Directory

Please email info@upperhurstville.com to request a PDF of the Upper Hurstville Residential and Business Directory. Please include your name and address in your request. Also, please email all changes and/or updates for inclusion in the next edition of the UH Directory.

Upper Hurstville Safety Initiative

Click here to see the “Ten Commandments” of  Neighborhood Safety including the porch light initiative and other great safety reminders.

Recent Emails

August 29, 2024From Kelly Morel, Community Liaison OfficerNOPD Second District Good afternoon, Please refer to the attached BOLO (be on lookout) for two individuals wanted for multiple package thefts in the 2nd district. If anyone sees the pictured subjects, please call 911 immediately. View BOLO report here. We urge residents to consider purchasing outdoor storage or delivery boxes for their packages to be placed on their porches. If you prefer not to buy an anti-theft specific box, you can use a large Rubbermaid-type bin (not clear) and instruct your delivery service......

Click HERE to view Full Email The information below is regarding the proposed expansion of Reginelli’s Pizzeria restaurant at the corner of Magazine and State Streets.  The restaurant is in a conditional use district zone and has an achoholic beverage permit, both of which trigger the public review of any expansion of the business. Residents are encouraged to comment and/or attend the CPC meeting. Respectfully submitted,UHRA Board...

A letter (linked HERE) has been distributed by Reginelli’s Pizzeria regarding a neighborhood meeting to introduce a proposed expansion of their restaurant at the corner of Magazine and State Streets.  In accordance with the city’s Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance, businesses located in the Magazine Street Use Restriction Overlay District are required to apply for conditional use approval for any expansion work.  This requirement is in place to protect the interests of neighborhood residents. Residents are encouraged to attend this meeting....

On Friday, 2/16/2024 at about 7:23 pm, our private patrol officer received a call from an individual reporting that he was assaulted while walking past the Starbucks at Magazine & State with his family.  Per the SEI report, the victim stated that “an unidentified white male wearing a black hoodie jacket and Whole Foods bags in his hand assaulted him by hitting him in the face with his fist.”  A Starbucks employee stated the suspect appeared to be a homeless person with long dark hair and a beard. ......